
Small Businesses Compete with Amazon Using Same-Day Delivery Software

Carry Metkowski

September 26, 2017
March 30, 2021
Last Updated

Let's face it. When you think about a quick, easy, and inexpensive means to purchase goods for your home and family, Amazon is top of mind with its offering of numerous product categories along with its Prime service — where shoppers can get packages delivered to their door overnight (or same-day!). Amazon continues to expand its offerings including its most recent venture, Whole Foods, bringing them into the brick-and-mortar and grocery business.

Amazon has successfully invested millions of dollars building local fulfillment within a 25-mile radius — creating a new convenience for the consumer and quickly becoming the B2C norm. But here's the good news for local businesses affected by Amazon’s presence in your area: You too are within a 25-mile radius of your customers and you provide something to your customers that Amazon will never be able to provide — personal service, face-to-face interaction, trust and community. In addition, you can now compete with Amazon in the same-day delivery arena by partnering with a new on-demand, technology-based company, Dispatch.

Tip for Beating Amazon: On-Demand, Technology-Based Delivery

As a local business, you don't need to spend millions (or anywhere near what Amazon did), to get your goods to customers quickly (same day). Instead, try using the Minneapolis-based delivery technology called Dispatch. With easy order entry and real-time tracking via Google Maps, it allows you to get packages to your customers the same day without needing to worry about expensive fleet development costs. Starting today, you’re playing on the same field with the big guys.

How Dispatch Works

Dispatch is a company that simplifies local delivery. At you and your team can easily place an order on the step-by-step order entry screen. Within the entry process, Dispatch will provide you with the order base cost so there are no surprises. Once the order is completed online, a local driver accepts the delivery on their phone app and begins the route. During the transport, Dispatch provides real-time tracking and email updates to both the business and the customer; providing transparency and trust to all invested in the delivery. Dispatch delivers! 

Now’s the time to Be Competitive, Be Convenient, and Be Cost-Effective with Dispatch! 

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