
Employee Spotlight - Meet Teagan!

Teagan Dvorak was a 2021 summer intern who returned after graduation when she was hired on as a Business Development Representative at Dispatch. Learn about her journey from intern to a full-time employee.

The Dispatch Team

September 16, 2022
December 6, 2022
Last Updated

In this Employee Spotlight, we introduce Teagan Dvorak. Based out of St. Cloud, MN, Teagan was a 2021 summer intern who returned after graduation when she was hired on as a Business Development Representative for Dispatch's Industrial Machinery and Equipment sector. Read on to learn more about Teagan, her role, and why she knew Dispatch was the right company for her.

What made you want to work at Dispatch after graduation?

I knew I wanted to work at Dispatch because of the ability to work remotely. With the transition of graduating from college, I didn’t know where I’d end up living, so working for a remote company made all the difference in easing that stress.

What’s been your favorite part about coming back to/working at Dispatch?

My favorite part about coming back to Dispatch is getting to see familiar faces everyday. There’s always such a warm welcome from everyone during the first few weeks that makes me feel valued as an employee. #peoplefirst

What’s the biggest difference between being an intern and being a full-time employee?

The biggest difference for me is being able to really see my potential as a BDR. By the end of the internship, I felt like I was just scratching the surface of the role, so I wanted the opportunity to sharpen my skills and see if this is something I could be really good at!

What does a typical day in your role look like?

My day starts out with checking emails, then I schedule a few different 'call blocks' to get enough calls in for the day. I also might have a team meeting on some days and then I finish off with an hour of prospecting to prepare for the following day.

So far, what accomplishments are you most proud of here at Dispatch?

The most rewarding part of my job is seeing companies that I sourced place an order. It makes me feel proud knowing my work is directly contributing to the success of the company and motivates me to work even harder!

Which Dispatch core value resonates with you the most?

Belief! Being on the sales team, it is crucial that I believe in the product I'm introducing to people every day. I truly would not be able to do my job if I didn't believe in Dispatch and the ways we can help other businesses - it definitely keeps me going on the tough days.

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