
Employee Spotlight: Meet Dusty!

In this Employee Spotlight, you'll get to meet Dusty. Based out of our Minneapolis headquarters, Dusty is an Account Executive Sales Manager who has been with Dispatch for three and a half years now. Read on to learn more about his journey, his role, and why he chose Dispatch.

Averi Phan

November 4, 2020
February 25, 2021
Last Updated

In this Employee Spotlight, you'll get to meet Dusty. Based out of our Minneapolis headquarters, Dusty is an Account Executive Sales Manager who has been with Dispatch for three and a half years now. Read on to learn more about his journey, his role, and why he chose Dispatch

Can you briefly describe what you do?

I work with existing customers to help make sure we Deliver More* and that we do it with incredible speed and accuracy. I also find new opportunities for our customers to use our technology and learn about how we make an impact on their business by doing in-depth account reviews. If my team and I do our jobs, our customers will be using us more and they will be as happy to be our partners as we are with them.

How has your career grown since starting at Dispatch? 

Since joining Dispatch, I’ve experienced a ton of personal growth. My path here has been an unusual one. I started out as what we now call a Territory Sales Manager and then moved to the Business Development Representative team as a Manager and individual contributor. Now I'm on the Account Executive team, where I was recently promoted to Account Executive Sales Manager. Having worked in every part of the sales organization has given me a lot of insight into not only the customer journey with Dispatch but also the company itself.

What accomplishments are you most proud of? 

For me, it all comes down to the relationships that I’ve had while being here. I could point to any of the awesome customers we’ve brought on. But really, it's the relationships that I’ve been able to develop with current and former coworkers that have been the most rewarding.

Which Dispatch core value resonates with you the most?

I resonate most with our core value of People First. In my opinion, Dispatch is all about the people who make this company what it is — fantastic. It's such a unique, diverse, and super-smart group of people that all have different skills and perspectives. I’m thankful to be part of such a special group and feel blessed to work with all of them. 

When was the moment you knew that you had made the right decision to work here? 

When I walked in the front door for my interview. I LOVED the old office and what it looked like, even though it looked like the basement of a comic book store. To me, it was representative of the opportunity in front of me. That, and the team itself, was really what got me excited. My personal mission statement in life is simple — To lead and grow. I love building and growing things, regardless of whether it's personal or professional, and seeing this alignment at Dispatch just clicked.

What is your favorite thing about working at Dispatch? 

The obvious one: the PEOPLE. I think anyone who has worked here knows this, and it's probably the #1 answer for everyone, but it can’t be overstated. The relationships I’ve built with everyone who has worked here are ones that I will forever treasure and value. 

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