
Marketplace Is Enhancing How You Manage Deliveries, Part 2

It’s important to take a close look at your customers’ needs and then figure out how you can swoop in and help. You’ll not only meet but exceed expectations by investing in a delivery product that’ll start you on a path to greater success.

Jennifer Juarez

July 29, 2021
June 11, 2024
Last Updated

It’s important to take a close look at your customers’ needs and then figure out how you can swoop in and help. You’ll not only meet but exceed expectations by investing in a delivery product that’ll start you on a path to greater success.

When using partner products, you can typically expect a few basic features. But how often does it provide you with:

  • Free marketing
  • Simple data analysis and reporting
  • A tool to coordinate logistics that makes pickups faster and easier

Does such a unicorn even exist?

Let us tell you how our enhanced Dispatch Marketplace features will give you all these benefits while positively impacting your business.

And the best part is –– they’re available to all our Marketplace users

Branding Drives Loyalty

Beyond just fulfilling an order and delivering a package, you want to get your name out there.

Dispatch provides a way to market your company with each delivery while also simultaneously increasing customer loyalty. To do so, simply add your logo, company name, and phone number to all delivery email alerts.

This article by Chief Outsiders, Advice for CEOs on Growth and Scaling, emphasizes the importance of branding wherever you can in your business.

“Branding your service process can be the key to gaining a competitive edge and enabling faster growth.”

The article goes on to say, “Branding processes creates preference, adding value that customers are willing to pay for — confidence, familiarity, predictability, trust, improved experience and higher service delivery quality. Increased value translates to higher prices, customer loyalty and an improved bottom line.”

Upload your logo to start increasing your brand reputation today. Visit our Knowledge Base to read more about setting up the branded notifications.

Forecasting and Evaluating Your Data

Reporting is an essential part of how a business operates and can be a painstaking process –– think of the movie Office Space’s “TPS reports.” But it doesn’t have to be. To get the most out of your reports when evaluating or presenting your company’s data, you need the ability to sort by numerous values. This is where Dispatch comes in. On top of the previous reporting capabilities, you now have unlimited historical time frames. From day one as a customer, you can view the last six months or the last 30 days. 

Our average customer spends $641.45 a month* with us and saves 279.54 miles a month* using Dispatch. You can view the following metrics in your reporting:

  • Number of orders delivered
  • Average cost per order
  • Number of days using Dispatch
  • Mileage saved using Dispatch
  • List of delivered and canceled orders
  • Order counts by service level and vehicle type

This information can help you with future forecasting. For example, what are your peak seasons, and who are your top customers? What is your current spending, or what does your delivery budget look like for next quarter? And how can you use this data to scale your business?

To view a sample report and learn more, read our Knowledge Base article.

New Labels Make Logistics Even Easier

Finding the correct package to go in the correct vehicle can sometimes feel like you’re on a scavenger hunt in your own warehouse or shop. With today's customers demanding faster deliveries, wasting precious time looking for your orders can cause you to fall behind your competitor's turnaround time and result in unmet delivery expectations. The more efficient you can make this process, the more deliveries you can get out.

We’ve streamlined this process by allowing you to print parcel labels as you place orders. The labels will help keep you organized while also preventing misplaced packages. Having a logistics system in place that everyone follows is key in day-to-day operations. 

The labels also contain all the details the drivers need and enable them to efficiently pack their vehicles based on their assigned route that day. This can help keep drivers organized –– especially when delivering on behalf of multiple customers. The labels will also include any notes attached to an order, so the driver knows exactly where to drop off the package once they reach the destination.

If you would like to also keep separate records of your deliveries, you can save all your labels as PDFs. See our Knowledge Base article to view a sample label and to learn how to print one.

And in case you missed it, check out our first blog in this series where we introduce the Marketplace enhancements. 

Visit our website to get your first Marketplace order started! 

*Calculations were based on adding up every Marketplace customers' spend and their total mileage per month, then determining the averages.

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