
Keep These 5 Tools Handy While You’re on the Road

You’re now an approved Dispatch Driver ready to hit the road in one of our markets, but what are the essential things a driver should have while making deliveries? Here you’ll learn how to make your life easier on the road.

Lamarr Sullivan

September 13, 2021
December 15, 2021
Last Updated

You’re now an approved Dispatch Driver ready to hit the road in one of our markets, but what are the essential things a driver should have while making deliveries? Here you’ll learn how to make your life easier on the road.

1. Dispatch Customer Support Contact Information

Things will come up when you’re on the road. We know traffic can be crazy, the pick-up contact might not be answering their phone, or you aren’t sure where to drop off items. Whatever the case, you might need to reach out to our Customer Support Team for assistance with deliveries. You can find this number at the bottom of your order screen. Keep in mind that constant communication with the customer is the best way to ensure a successful delivery, but our support team is available when you need us.

2. Order Adjustment Form

We want to make sure that you receive compensation for the hard work you do at Dispatch. For the following situations, please use the Adjustment Form to request a pay correction:

  • The customer changes  the address mid-delivery
  • Labor not accounted for by the customer during order creation
  • Excessive wait times at pickup and/or drop-off
  • Tolls present on the calculated route from pickup to drop-off
  • Return trips when an order cannot be delivered
  • The customer selects the wrong vehicle size

You must submit this form by the end of the order completion date. Once we receive your request, our support team will review it and, if approved, add any adjusted payment to your Earnings tab in the Dispatch App.

3. Glove/Safety Equipment

One aspect of completing deliveries is loading and unloading items. To keep your hands safe from box staples, sharp objects, and paper cuts, a pair of work gloves will go a long way. We’re not talking about your typical latex gloves either. We mean heavy-duty padded gloves that will protect your hands from bruises and calluses that could result from repeatedly handling boxes or other materials. 

4. Phone Stand

You’ll spend most of your time on the road navigating from point A to point B. So if your mobile device doubles as your GPS, you’ll need a tool that makes using it easy. That’s where the cell phone holder comes into play. We recommend holders that either mount to your windshield or dashboard. These are preferred over cup holder mounts because they allow you to see the route without taking your eyes off the road. It also doesn’t hurt to have the sound toggled on for added support.

5. Dispatch Gear

So you’ve gotten started as a Dispatch Driver, and now you’re wondering, “Where’s my Dispatch gear?” Well, once you complete five deliveries, Dispatch will provide you with a code to redeem your driver onboarding kit. This onboarding kit will include your Dispatch badge, lanyard, car magnets, and stickers. But you can always purchase additional Dispatch swag from our store. Whether it’s one of our branded water bottles to keep you hydrated on the road or a full-zip fleece to keep you warm while you’re making deliveries, there’s something for everyone.

Being prepared is key to your success with Dispatch. For more recommendations on how you can be the best driver you can be, check out our driver tips and tricks. Have additional questions? Visit our Driver FAQ page to learn more. Now go out there and be great on the road!

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