
Dispatch Has You Covered When Things Don’t Go As Planned

We’ve shared that you can request an adjustment for orders within 48 hours of their completion, but what exactly does that entail? It’s Dispatch’s way of paying you for everything you do that may not be accounted for when you accept an order. In this blog, you’ll learn more about the different types of adjustments and how you should use them as a Dispatch Driver.

Lamarr Sullivan

October 26, 2021
January 25, 2022
Last Updated

We’ve shared that you can request an adjustment for orders by the end of their completion date, but what exactly does that entail? It’s Dispatch’s way of paying you for everything you do that may not be accounted for when you accept an order. In this blog, you’ll learn more about the different types of adjustments and how you should use them as a Dispatch Driver.

Unassisted Labor

We know that some of the items you deliver are heavy, and we want to ensure that you receive payment for any extra labor provided. While we expect Dispatch Drivers to assist with loading and unloading all orders, you are eligible for a labor fee if an order requires you to lift 250 pounds or more. Dispatch encourages all customers to indicate beforehand whether they’ll need help loading and unloading at pickup and drop-off. Note that the request for assistance will show up on the order as a labor fee before you accept it. 

Address Changed

Addresses are tricky sometimes. A simple error such as a customer entering north instead of south in the address field could mean the difference between a six-mile trip versus a 26-mile trip. If any address changes occur while you’re en route to a pickup or drop-off location, please document that address and send an adjustment request after completing the delivery.

Return Trip

Occasionally you'll get to a drop-off location where a customer may request that you return an item to the pickup location. The reason for such a request could be that the item you delivered is incorrect or they have other materials needing return. You’ll receive an adjustment payment in either scenario. Please note that deadhead mileage back to your home area will not count as a return trip.  


Dispatch makes dealing with tolls easier by factoring in toll costs when calculating your route. At the time an order is placed, the app accounts for any tolls along your route from pickup to drop-off. For tolls that result from an address change or unforeseen circumstances, we ask that you submit an adjustment request with your EZ Pass receipt.

Vehicle Size Change

At Dispatch, we always say, “You’ll never see an order that won’t fit in your vehicle...” But should that happen, we’ll compensate you for it. For example, if a customer places a car order to deliver a pallet. In this case, the vehicle type selected isn’t suitable for what’s being delivered. Request an adjustment, and we’ll get you the cargo van rate! If you show up at the pickup location and the item simply will not fit in your vehicle, call Dispatch Support. We’ll cancel the order, and you’ll receive a cancellation fee.

Wait Time

Dispatch knows time is money, and your time is valuable. That’s why we compensate you for excessive wait times. Car, mid-sized, and pickup truck orders have a built-in load time of 10 minutes. For cargo vans, it's 15 minutes. Anything over that can be claimed right on the "Completed Order" screen — so make sure you arrive on time! Wait time at drop-off may be claimed on a case-by-case basis. However, drivers must first call all available numbers in this order: Drop-off Contact, Pickup Location, Customer, Dispatch Support.

Dispatch strives to provide transparency to our drivers, and adjustments are a part of that. We want you to know on the front end that if anything unexpected happens, we’ll have your back. One of the 5 tools we recommend drivers have on hand is the adjustment form. It will go a long way toward ensuring you’re compensated for all the hard work you do. If you have any questions about adjustments, submit them in the comments field of the adjustment form, and a member of the Customer Success team will get back to you with an answer. We look forward to seeing you on the roads!

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