
Top 4 Apps That Can Save You Time in the Field

Remember when checking up on a task meant going through an entire drawer of files? Or how confirming a customer delivery meant calling the courier service multiple times a day? Yeah, we'd rather not. 

Alexia Smith

September 25, 2018
August 23, 2021
Last Updated

Remember when checking up on a task meant going through an entire drawer of files? Or how confirming a customer delivery meant calling the courier service multiple times a day? Yeah, we'd rather not. 

Modern-day businesses now operate with the swipe of a finger. To stay ahead of the curve, companies must adapt to tech-smart operations. A process made significantly easier with the invention of apps — ones that allow a user to manage, delegate, and keep track of their business as a whole. This article will look at the top four applications that can help you save time while at work:


Asana is a product management app designed to help streamline your entire process and enhance your productivity no matter the device you have.

Asana allows your team to collaborate on projects in a shared space. With Asana, it’s easy to plan your projects from start to finish. It also gives you the ability to schedule tasks for each team member — streamlining the entire process to reduce the risk of errors and limit busy work that can ultimately delay your projects.

When starting a new project in Asana, you’ll create a workflow where your team can keep everything organized. Within these workflows, you can generate tasks and subtasks. You can also add attachments or comments that will give more information regarding what’s needed to complete the task. If there’s ever a change within a task, followers of the workflow will receive an update notification.

Additionally, Asana lets you integrate all the apps you rely on. This keeps all your tools, information, and processes in one place.


Created to keep track of fleet maintenance in one easy-to-use place, AUTOsist aims to simplify the process of maintaining your fleet. Because there are various documents to account for with a fleet, AUTOsist's Document Management feature helps you keep track of each of your vehicle's service history by allowing you to upload receipts or other documents when maintenance is complete. 

With the Trip Log feature, it’s easy for drivers to track their trips by entering the beginning and ending mileage on their odometers. This feature makes it easy to differentiate between business and personal miles. While on the road, they can also make use of the fuel tracking feature that helps keep track of the number of fill-ups and fuel costs. 

Since this app is made to be used on the road, AUTOsist has an offline feature that allows users to view all records regardless of internet connection. If a user adds any records while offline, they’ll automatically sync once the app connects to a network again.


Providing speedy and timely deliveries to customers always remains the forefront priority of any business.

Sadly enough, local deliveries are often a dilemma for business owners. They can either opt to buy a delivery vehicle that comes at a high cost or outsource packages to a courier service, and risk being bound by the vendor's quality of service. Which, if subpar, can anger their own clientele.

Presenting, Dispatch. Dispatch is an on-demand local delivery platform designed to help businesses manage multiple orders and provide timely deliveries.

The Dispatch App enables users to dispatch their items without having to make a call. Open the application, place an order, and your package will be on its way!

The pickup location is accepted by the nearest driver and Dispatch makes use of GPS tracking to estimate real-time distance, and the time it will take to arrive. If you want to add employees or customers in the loop, Dispatch offers users the option to share the location of the driver or the package.

Dispatch goes one step further in providing premium customer service and collects the customer’s signature on their phone once the package arrives. Even if no one’s home Dispatch has you covered, the driver simply takes a picture of the package at the door, and the picture is sent to you. In less than 20 seconds, Dispatch enables users to have their orders set to be delivered. Compared to the cumbersome traditional method which involves chasing courier providers and painstakingly waiting for packages without any visibility into where it is or who has it, Dispatch provides a much quicker, streamlined substitute for local deliveries.


This application specializes in field service management and is designed carefully to enhance work field productivity with any device.

ServiceMax specifically caters to field technicians and engineers to provide field-ready functionality, regardless of internet access. ServiceMax is built on a standard mobile framework to be user-friendly and provides software familiarity.

It boasts a refined interface that provides consistent access and free-flowing service workflow, even without access to the internet. ServiceMax aims to empower field technicians to successfully deal with complex work orders alongside presenting service reports, labor pricing dynamics, and much more.

Dealing with a complex customer base of on-the-field engineers, ServiceMax saves significant time and ensures that the work order process gets completed — including scheduling, work estimates, checklists as well as troubleshooting and presenting work order debriefs.

ServiceMax offers engineers the option to upload pictures and documents, as well as create Smart Business Docs, to generate service reports and invoices. To complete the process, ServiceMax offers third-party app integration which enables technicians to exchange data to different locations securely.

What are you waiting for? Get downloading!

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