
Point 2 Point

In this case study, you can see how the Dispatch Courier Portal helped Point 2 Point track deliveries, allow fleet owners to manage their driver’s work throughout the day, assign orders to managing earnings, and keep their drivers’ activity organized.

Lamarr Sullivan

September 20, 2023
October 27, 2023
Last Updated

Point 2 Point Logistics & Delivery LLC (P2PLD) is a minority-owned logistics and delivery company headquartered in Houston, TX. P2PLD has been operating since 2021 and became one of the first couriers to partner with Dispatch in 2023. Referred by a friend, P2PLD discovered Dispatch as an easy-to-use way to expand their delivery footprint within Texas.

Expand Your Delivery Footprint

“We are looking to grow our business by double digits in several markets over the next 6-8 months,” said Courier Admin and Co-Owner of P2PLD, Albert Hall.

That’s one of the benefits of using the Dispatch Courier Portal. The portal gives courier admins like Hall the ability to see available orders from shippers within Dispatch’s network, something Hall said has helped his company grow.

“The technology has allowed us to gain access to more loads.” With customers across 75 different markets, fleet owners are able to access the Dispatch Marketplace anywhere there are available orders.

Transparent Tech

Hall started with Dispatch as an independent contractor in September 2022, before Dispatch launched the courier portal. His company was working with local businesses and other freight apps to keep drivers busy. Hall expressed since we introduced the Dispatch Courier Portal, it’s made that easier.

“The platform was easy to use and very helpful from directions to contact information to proof of deliveries,” Hall said.

Not only does the portal make it easy to track deliveries, but it also allows fleet owners to manage their driver’s work throughout the day. From assigning orders to managing earnings, the portal keeps your drivers’ activity organized.

Dual Paths

There are two ways for fleet owners to gain access to Dispatch Marketplace to receive orders— becoming an independent contractor driver or joining the Dispatch Courier Portal. Hall is using both paths to his advantage, something we encourage all our Courier Admins to do. To date, he completed more than 300 deliveries between both paths with a 100% completion rate, giving his customers the confidence their orders will be delivered.

“With the Dispatch Courier Partner program, we were able to expand our business into several other markets within Texas faster than expected,” Hall expressed.

Companies like Hall’s are building up their brand and footprint by leveraging Dispatch’s platform to send and receive orders. Whether you need help fulfilling your incoming orders or you’re looking for more available orders, Dispatch has you covered. One thing is certain: partnering with Dispatch has made life easier for P2PLD. “This is happening due to hard work and our partnership with Dispatch leveraging their best-in-class technology & support.”

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