
Piedmont Plastics

At Dispatch, we're all about results. In this case study, you can see how Dispatch helped Piedmont Plastics schedule last minute pick-ups/deliveries at virtually any time, easily customize the delivery experience to the needs of their customers, and utilize the use of Dispatch's Cargo Van and Box Truck vehicle types because many of their deliveries include large items.

Staci Shepherd

September 20, 2023
October 27, 2023
Last Updated

Piedmont Plastics is a full-line distributor of plastic sheet, rod, tube, and film. With over 50 locations across the country, Piedmont Plastics is a renowned distributor within the commercial and industrial markets. The company serves a wide range of customers within Aerospace, Food Processing & Handling, Conveying, and Picture Framing & Signage.

With the focus of being the premier North American distributor and converter of basic plastic sheets and film, it’s become imperative that Piedmont Plastics meet the changing needs of their customers— including ensuring their products are consistently delivered on time.

Delivery Window Dilemma

Before the Piedmont Plastics branch in Thornwood, NY partnered with Dispatch in December 2022, they used both a local courier and LTL trucking services to fulfill their deliveries. While this process worked initially for the Thornwood branch, their local courier company wasn’t always reliable. This meant they needed to rely on LTL services for more of their deliveries and while that was cost-effective, it meant their local customers may need to wait days to receive their deliveries.

Streamlined Delivery Process

Since partnering with Dispatch, Mike Acocella, Inside Sales Representative at Piedmont Plastics in Thornwood shared that, “We have been able to schedule last minute pick-ups/deliveries at virtually any time. It has also helped knowing we can commit to a specific delivery date within 1-2 days or sooner to our customer.” This allows Mike and the Thornwood branch to more easily customize the delivery experience to the needs of their customers. Because so many of their deliveries include large items, they’ve benefited most from the use of our Cargo Van and Box Truck vehicle types.

Unexpected Benefits

Even though the Thornwood branch was solving for reliability and delivery timelines, Mike noted a couple of ways the partnership with Dispatch has pleasantly surprised their daily operations. “The accuracy and detail of the tracking info is great,” Mike notes. Because delivery tracking is standard on every order, customers are able to know exactly where their order is in the delivery process. He also shared that there are “many repeat drivers who are great at communicating and work together well with our team here.” Having a reliable and consistent delivery partner with transparent communication has helped the branch meet the expectations of its customers.

Reliable Service All Around

Mike has been impressed with the reliable service our on-demand delivery team provides. “You cannot beat the reliability and customer service for delivery, provided by Dispatch. In the rare case there is an issue, it is communicated well and Dispatch will do whatever is necessary to find a solution.”

Since the partnership began, Mike’s sales representative has reached out on a regular cadence to ensure satisfaction with service, coach Mike on features or vehicle types, and proactively receive feedback when necessary. Mike notes: “Our sales representative has been extremely attentive and helpful. Anything we've asked or mentioned, she ALWAYS follows up and has a solution for us.”

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