
Location, Location, Location: Save All Your Customer Information

Included in the Dispatch values are People First and Driven to Deliver. We often check in with or survey our customers as part of our value system. In doing so, we heard your requests and we’re excited to announce a new Dispatch Connect feature has arrived! Allow us to introduce you to the Address Book. This is where all your saved customers and locations can be found.

Jennifer Juarez

September 28, 2021
September 29, 2021
Last Updated

Included in the Dispatch values are People First and Driven to Deliver. We often check in with or survey our customers as part of our value system. In doing so, we heard your requests and we’re excited to announce a new Dispatch Connect feature has arrived! 

Allow us to introduce you to the Address Book. This is where all your saved customers and locations can be found. You read that correctly –– saved customers are here too! Think of it as your mobile device’s navigation app in combination with your contacts menu.

Before we jump into more details, and in case you aren’t familiar with the Dispatch Connect product, let us share why you need to know all about it and how it can benefit your business.

About Connect

Connect is Dispatch’s delivery management product that allows you to digitally manage all vehicles, deliveries, and customers in one place —enabling you to organize and streamline daily operations. You’ll be able to scale your business more efficiently while keeping up with competitors. Connect focuses on the package, whereas fleet management focuses on the vehicles. To read more about the difference between fleet and delivery management tools, see our blog series. 

Plus, download this checklist of all the elements a delivery management tool should have and see how Connect meets these requirements

Now, onto the good stuff! 

Using the Address Book

The Dispatch Connect Address Book enables you to place orders faster. When you start typing in a customer’s name, address, or the contact’s name, the saved customer location (and all its data) will auto-populate — eliminating manual entry of each address for every order. In addition, any delivery notes associated with that location will automatically fill, saving even more time! When placing 12 orders daily, the time you get back really begins to add up.

The Address Book can be found in the top navigation bar on the Connect page. Within it, information is organized in the order in which it was saved. From this section, customers can be added, edited, and deleted.

Saving Customers

Once you save a customer’s information, you’ll see it listed in the Address Book. You can add a new customer using two options:

  1. Start an order with a new address and it’ll allow you the option to save it via the new delivery page.
  2. Create a customer directly from the Address Book

Note: You have to click Default Pickup Address on the location in order for it to autofill.

Multi-Tier Organization Options

If a customer of yours has many branches, you have the option to name each branch with its location ID or however you see fit. Simply type in the company name and view all the saved customers and locations under that name –– allowing you to select the specific branch you want. 

As new locations are added, and therefore new contacts tied to those locations, you can decide for each if they should receive text or email order notifications. While the email and phone number fields are optional, these do need to be filled out if you want that contact to receive the updates.

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These new Connect features will provide a smoother and faster delivery management and planning experience. For more step-by-step instructions on how to manage your Address Book, view our Knowledge Base article.

For even more details on Connect or to set up a demo, visit the Dispatch website.

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