
Hey Look Ma, We Made It!

Ryan Hanson

November 26, 2019
December 14, 2020
Last Updated

Dispatch was recently named to CNBC’s Upstart 100 list of up-and-coming startup companies from around the world. My first reaction was “Wow, this is amazing!” It feels great to be included in a list of promising startups. And, for this list to include companies from around the world, well that’s just incredible. It wasn’t all that long ago that we were just a few people and a few delivery vehicles. So to be included in this list is really humbling and exciting.

I’ve been following this list since 2017 when it was just 25 companies. CNBC is a credible, trusted name in business and when I was doing research on the companies they named in the past, one thing that stood out to me was CNBC specifically called out the number of organizations with female founders. I thought that was a great thing to read in terms of credibility, that this list highlights inclusivity.

Next, I dug further into the methodology of how CNBC selects startups for this list. The companies have to be privately held, founded no earlier than January of 2014, pre-Series B, and have raised no more than $50 million. These are all very early-stage metrics from super capital-efficient businesses.

Then, the startups are scored on a series of quantitative metrics including scalability, sales growth, user/customer growth, workforce diversity, access to capital and community, intellectual property, and industry size and industry life-cycle stage. To have a really broad set of criteria for over 600 nominees, it feels great for Dispatch to make the final list.

It’s great to be recognized and it feels like we’re just getting started on this journey. Our hope is that as more people become aware of the landed cost of delivery with using their own in-house vehicle fleets and employees, they’ll choose a transactional model like Dispatch that’s technology driven, more efficient, cost-effective, and customer-focused.

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