
Driver Spotlight: Meet Jonika!

In this Driver Spotlight, we introduce you to Jonika, a Charlotte-based driver who's friendly, motivated, and builds great relationships with customers. Read on to learn why she loves the freedom of driving with Dispatch!

Kelsie McMahon

July 17, 2019
January 20, 2022
Last Updated

In this Driver Spotlight, we introduce you to Jonika, a Charlotte-based driver who's friendly, motivated, and builds great relationships with customers. Read on to learn why she loves the freedom of driving with Dispatch!

How did you hear about Dispatch?

My husband, Eric, is a contractor with Dispatch.

How long have you been driving with Dispatch?

Since May 21, 2019.

What kind of vehicle do you drive?

Mitsubishi Outlander Sport.


Why did you decide that Dispatch was the best job fit for you and your lifestyle?

The freedom. I love, love, love the freedom!!

Tell us your favorite Dispatch story!

I arrived at one of our customers, Sherwin-Williams, for a pickup. An employee said, "We have not seen you in awhile, we thought you had quit. We love seeing your smiling face. You always come walking in with a smile." That made me feel really good.

Why should other people drive with Dispatch?

Dispatch is an awesome company to drive with. The employees genuinely care about your well-being.

What’s your favorite thing about being able to set your own hours?

I can spend time handling other business as deems necessary. The freedom is rewarding.

If you could give any advice to other drivers at Dispatch, what would it be?

Communication is key. Always communicate.

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