
Buckeye International

At Dispatch, we're all about results. In this case study, you can see how Dispatch helped Buckeye International solve their issue with driver shortages, utilized the platform's user-friendliness by allowing them to navigate the system easily, as well as increase transparency by showing order history and visual proof of delivery through pictures. Dispatch also helped Buckeye International remain organized by scheduling their deliveries early, allowing the company to increase their delivery volumes.

Allison Chen

September 20, 2023
October 27, 2023
Last Updated

Buckeye International is a prominent player in the manufacturing and distribution of cleaning and floor care products. The company serves a diverse clientele, including schools, government buildings, and healthcare facilities, as well as supplying products to custodial managers and floor contractors. Given their focus on supplying cleaning products, which help ensure their customers remain compliant with industry health regulations, it’s imperative that their products are consistently delivered on time.

Delivery Partner Dilemma

Before the Buckeye Cleaning Center, based in Denver, CO, partnered with Dispatch in July 2021, they faced delivery process challenges. Their dependence on another delivery partner had proven unreliable due to driver shortages and inconsistent service. This impacted their operations and forced them to scramble for last minute solutions, which sometimes meant employees were pulled away from their duties to make deliveries themselves.

Driver Shortages Resolved

After partnering with Dispatch to solve their driver shortage issue, Kelsey Henson, Office Manager in the Denver Center, reflected on their experience before and after Dispatch. “Before Dispatch, if our order was not claimed it may take a couple of days for a driver to be assigned. With Dispatch, there are quite a few drivers in their fleet, so I know it'll be picked up and delivered quickly”. She also noted that “it's very nice to see the driver information and picture so I know who to expect when I meet them for the pickup.” This allows Kelsey to quickly identify the driver so they can load the order and be on their way.

Unexpected Benefits

Although the Buckeye Cleaning Center was solving their issue with driver shortages, Kelsey highlighted several additional benefits they gained from their partnership with Dispatch, “The platform's user-friendliness allows us to navigate the system easily as well as gives us access to order history and visual proof of delivery through pictures. This has proven to be incredibly helpful with our larger orders” Kelsey also noted that “I love being able to contact the drivers via their phone number listed. This way if we run into any changes or issues I can contact the driver.” Because she knows someone will show up to take their order, she can remain organized by scheduling her deliveries early, allowing the company to increase their delivery volumes.

Solid Customer Service

Many companies overlook the importance of good customer service when deciding to partner with a vendor. When issues occurred with Buckeye’s previous delivery partner, they weren’t always addressed quickly. This meant deliveries didn’t always go out on time, impacting customer relationships. Once the Buckeye Cleaning Center began using Dispatch, they could rely on multiple touchpoints with Dispatch to solve issues promptly. Kelsey observed that, “anytime there's an issue, it’s resolved quickly. Dispatch’s customer service has become one of my favorite parts of our partnership.”

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