
Next Gen Courier Service

Around 500 BC, the philosopher Heraclitus wrote, “The only thing that is constant is change.” That statement is just as true now as it was back then. It's no secret that the way we do business constantly evolves. Successful businesses stay successful by adapting quickly.

Kelsie McMahon

June 15, 2020
December 13, 2020
Last Updated

Around 500 BC, the philosopher Heraclitus wrote, “The only thing that is constant is change.” That statement is just as true now as it was back then. It's no secret that the way we do business constantly evolves. Successful businesses stay successful by adapting quickly.

Nowhere is this more true than in the way we transport products. Over the years, we’ve gone from 5-7 day shipping times to 2-day delivery windows to same-day delivery. Some of the most profitable, recognizable, and successful consumer-facing companies are those that are quickest to meet delivery demand.

On the B2B side, delivery processes and expectations have been slower to change, with many operations still relying on traditional courier services for deliveries. However, in the last couple of months, we’ve seen the value of reliable, efficient, and cost-effective same-day delivery. We've also seen how traditional ways of doing business can be impacted by unexpected events.

So now is a good time to ask yourself two important questions:

  1. Is my business ready to adapt?
  2. How quickly can we change?

The Challenges of Traditional Courier Services

It’s becoming increasingly clear that the business model of traditional courier services is less efficient and more costly than necessary, especially when you consider the efficiencies gained with modern technologies, including on-demand service, instant notifications, and GPS tracking. Some of the challenges traditional couriers face include:

  • Outdated processes that often require a phone call to request a delivery.
  • Lack of transparency in pricing, with each courier having different minimums, per-mile fees, and surcharges.
  • Limited visibility into the delivery status (when a delivery is picked up, en route, or completed).
  • Higher overhead with a limited number of delivery vehicles and drivers.

You know as well as anyone the impact these challenges can have on your business. When you have a technician in the field waiting for a part, do you want to call a courier service and risk being put on hold? Do you want to guess what the delivery will end up costing? Do you want to be left in the dark on the delivery status?

Neither do we.

A New Way to Make Deliveries

Dispatch is here to help you change the way your business does deliveries. Schedule on-demand deliveries through our easy-to-use platform, see the estimated delivery price before confirming your request, get real-time status updates, and watch your delivery en route with dynamic visual GPS tracking.

This is, quite simply, a more efficient, cost-effective, and reliable way to make deliveries. Our network of professional independent contract drivers set their own schedules and use their own vehicles, meaning our drivers aren't limited by space or overhead constraints. We give you — or anyone on your team — the power to request a delivery in as little as 20 seconds and the ability to better manage the entire delivery experience.

Ready to adapt to a new way of making deliveries? Get started with Dispatch today!

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