
Maximizing Your Skills with a Final-Mile Delivery Partner

On-time jobsite deliveries are the keystone of small business efficiency. Unfortunately, many small businesses are at the mercy of their local couriers, meaning less visibility, control, and scalability. Courier delays or disruptions take time away from maximizing your skills by depleting resources, reducing profitability, and worst case scenario, forcing your skilled workers to leave jobsites to pick up their supplies. Ensure you’re always maximizing your skills and your workers time when you leave last-mile delivery to a trusted partner like Dispatch. 

Kelsie McMahon

September 1, 2022
September 1, 2022
Last Updated

On-time jobsite deliveries are the keystone of small business efficiency. Unfortunately, many small businesses are at the mercy of their local couriers, meaning less visibility, less control, and less scalability. 

Courier delays or disruptions take time away from maximizing your skills by depleting resources, reducing profitability, and worst case scenario, forcing your skilled workers to leave jobsites to pick up their supplies. 

Ensure you’re always maximizing your skills and your workers time when you leave last-mile delivery and management to a trusted partner like Dispatch

Seamless Communication and Connectivity 

In dynamic work environments like yours, you need flexible and clear communication channels that ensure you’re always connected to your delivery. Tracking down where your shipment is, who has possession of it, and how it’s doing shouldn’t have to be a tedious and manual process. 

Dispatch provides end-to-end updates and enables you to see your shipments in one centralized place. Go beyond tracking and access true visibility using real-time status updates and seamless connection with the driver entrusted with your delivery. 

Easy to Book, Easy to Manage

Small businesses are often deterred from investing in solutions that require tough implementation, extensive end-user training, and ongoing maintenance. While a necessary step in scaling, businesses can’t commit the time and resources to get it done. 

Dispatch’s on-demand delivery is built to alleviate manual processes, not to increase them. Book and manage deliveries easily in our all-in-one platform that doesn’t require a heavy IT lift and is operational shortly after implementation. 

Tech-savviness is no longer required. No matter the market, Dispatch enables teams to control their shipments from a single platform, providing full-scope visibility from scheduling to jobsite delivery.

Do What You Do Best

Skilled workers can spend significant time on activities that don’t utilize their skills, from picking up delayed deliveries to tracking down where their supplies are at. 

Using Dispatch’s on-demand delivery you can:

  • Simplify your orders and schedule deliveries on an easy-to-use platform
  • Customize service levels and vehicle types to your needs
  • Gain valuable transparency with real-time order tracking and dynamic ETAs
  • Stay connected using delivery notifications you can share with those who need it most

Spend more time doing what your business and employees do best. Stop worrying about your deliveries and have your supplies brought directly to your jobsite without the hassle of picking them up yourself. Maximize your skills with a final-mile delivery partner today

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