
Dispatch Shares Security Strategy During National Supply Chain Integrity Month

As April marks National Supply Chain Integrity Month, Dispatch, a pioneering provider of B2B last-mile delivery software, emphasizes the importance of safeguarding stakeholder data in an increasingly interconnected world.

Kelsie Hengel

April 29, 2024
April 29, 2024
Last Updated

In light of the US government’s designation of April as National Supply Chain Integrity Month in 2019, there have been calls to action to identify and mitigate pervasive threats to supply chains. Fortifying security measures as logistics technology evolves is critical for businesses across sectors. Maintaining transparency, security, and reliability along the supply chain has never been more crucial for manufacturers, suppliers, and contractors.

The stakes are high not only from an ethical standpoint, but if exposed, the financial impact can be detrimental to businesses. According to Statista, the cost of data breaches is rising over time, and the average cost of a U.S. data breach in 2023 was $9.48 million.

Dispatch recognizes the responsibility of leading by example and shares its security strategy and best practices for businesses to follow to help safeguard consumer data:

  • Advanced Encryption Protocols: Cutting-edge encryption technologies are at the heart of Dispatch's security strategy. These protocols safeguard data in transit and at rest, providing a secure foundation for all communications and data storage.
  • AWS Security Features: Dispatch fully utilizes the robust security features the AWS environment offers. This includes network firewalls, multi-factor authentication, and encrypted data storage, ensuring the Dispatch infrastructure remains resilient against threats.
  • Container Security Excellence: Recognizing the critical role of containerization in today's technology ecosystem, Dispatch employs comprehensive container security practices. This includes continuous monitoring, vulnerability scanning, and implementing best practices for container orchestration to protect against unauthorized access and threats.
  • Security Monitoring & Improvement: The Dispatch security team continuously monitors the security landscape to identify and mitigate new threats. By staying ahead of potential vulnerabilities, Dispatch ensures its supply chain and logistics solutions remain secure and reliable.
  • Partnership & Transparency: Dispatch believes in working closely with customers and business partners to enhance supply chain integrity. Dispatch is committed to transparency about security practices, offering insights into data protection and maintaining trust in the digital age.

Dispatch’s achievement of SOC 2 Type 2 compliance certification emphasizes its commitment to maintaining the highest security standards for its stakeholders. This certification marks Dispatch as the first final-mile SaaS platform to achieve this, establishing compliance standards for the industry. 

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